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Hyperlight Optics
for BIOPTRON® MedAll
The extraordinary properties of C60 are derived from its unique and rather spectacular structure. It is arranged in a pattern of 20 hexagons and 12 pentagons that can curl up and ultimately close to form a hollow cage. Fullerene is the only molecule of a single element to form a spherical, polyhedral cage. It is also the most massive and complex object in which wave-particle duality behaviour has been observed.
Quantum Hyperlight (structured light) maintains and restores the disturbed biological structures (structured matter), bringing them into a natural healthy state through the resonance principles of biomimicry, where pattern seeks identical pattern. According to the resonance principles, if two entities (as Quantum Hyperlight and biostructures) possess the same type of symmetry, Quantum Hyperlight as constantly perfect structure it prevail and impose its energetic properties on the disturbed entity - biostructures, bringing it into homeostasis (natural healthy state).