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BIOPTRON® Hyperlight Therapy is clinically proven and certified for the medical treatment of dermatological disorders and skin problems in adults and children.

The application of the BIOPTRON® Hyperlight Therapy causes a biological response in living organisms, which is called photobiostimulation. This response provides the antimicrobial effects of BIOPTRON® Hyperlight Therapy against the bacteria which could cause acne. The therapy is also beneficial to the improvement of residual scarring as a result of extensive acne vulgaris and other skin conditions.

Woman dermatology

BIOPTRON® Hyperlight helps in the treatment of skin diseases

Faster skin regeneration

Increases fibroblast migration

Anti-Inflammatory effects

Decreases pro-inflammatory cytokines

Anti-Microbial effect

Eliminates bacterial infections

Better skin structure

Increases collagen production

Promotes angiogenesis

Develops new blood vessels

Increases arrival of oxygen and nutrients new - formed skin cells

Improves microcirculation


BIOPTRON® Hyperlight regulates skin regeneration, improving the production of collagen, elastin and fibroblasts to preserve healthy skin layers. It also improves microcirculation, increasing the healing rate and improving the skin condition. Each reparative process of the skin is further supported by a decreased risk of infections as a result of anti-inflammatory effects of BIOPTRON® Hyperlight Therapy System.

BIOPTRON® Hyperlight Therapy device can treat a wide range of skin problems

  • Atopic dermatitis (Eczema)
  • Psoriasis
  • Herpes simplex (cold sores)
  • Herpes zoster
  • Superficial bacterial infections
  • Acne vulgaris
  • Mucosal lesions

How BIOPTRON® Hyperlight treats dermatological problems?

BIOPTRON® Hyperlight increases the mobility and migration of fibroblasts:

In every dermatological disorder, the regeneration of the skin is a pivotal process. BIOPTRON® Hyperlight increases the mobility of newly-formed fibroblasts, a critical process to skin healing. BIOPTRON® Hyperlight promotes the expression of binding factors that promote this migration, contributing actively to faster regeneration of the damaged skin (unpublished data).

BIOPTRON® Hyperlight increases collagen production:

Collagen is an essential protein for the entire body. Collagen is the skin’s support, providing it with the firmness and elasticity it needs to move and function healthily. BIOPTRON® Hyperlight increases the production of endogen collagen, giving  skin the structure and stability it needs. BIOPTRON® Hyperlight therapy fosters the recovery of the skin to a healthy and functional state (De Melo et al., 2016).

BIOPTRON® Hyperlight improves microcirculation:

Capillaries (the smallest blood vessels) are responsible for the supply of oxygen and nutrients to our tissues and cells, as well as for the removal of toxic substances. BIOPTRON® Hyperlight increases the blood flow in irradiated capillaries, boosting the oxygen and nutrients supply, as well as the uptake of nocive substances produced by damaged cells. BIOPTRON® Hyperlight Therapy provides to the newly-formed cells all they need to favour a healthy skin regeneration (Samoilova et al., 2008).

BIOPTRON® Hyperlight promotes angiogenesis:

Damaged tissues are very often characterized by poor and deficient blood supply, which could slow down and delay the recovery. BIOPTRON® Hyperlight promotes angiogenesis, developing new capillaries. The increased number and length of capillaries contribute to healthy tissue regeneration and shorter recovery time (Gasparyan et al., 2010).

BIOPTRON® Hyperlight eliminates superficial bacterial infections:

Some dermatological problems are caused by bacteria, in other cases bacteria are the factor that worsened the skin problem. BIOPTRON® Hyperlight contains blue light, very well known for its intrinsic antimicrobial effect without the addition of exogenous photosensitizers. BIOPTRON® Hyperlight prevents the development of bacterial infection that can provoke and reinforce dermatological disorders (Opel et al., 2015).

BIOPTRON® Hyperlight diminishes the inflammation:

Inflammation is a common side-effect in some dermatological indications that can deteriorate tissue condition. BIOPTRON® Hyperlight decreases the production of pro-inflammatory cytokines, such as IL-6 and TNF-a, by lymphocytes in the irradiated region, reducing locally the inflammation of the affected epithelium (Falus et al., 2011).

Watch the Exclusive BIOPTRON® Acne Video featuring a remarkable transformation of one young lady’s skin